About Masterworks

Mission & Vision

MasterWorks exists to equip disciples to be mature disciple makers in order to complete the Great Commission unto the return of Jesus Christ.

We partner with ministries, pastors, and believers all over the world through in-depth biblical training, equipping, and mentoring.

Our Story

MasterWorks began as an idea in the 1970s when a young David Schroeder decided it was important to find a way to make disciples of the men in his church.

Rev. Dr. David E. Schroeder began small group ministries using material he had written based on the discipleship passages found in the Gospel of Luke. The name “MasterWorks” is based on Ephesians 2:10, For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. Using the imagery of the workbench of Jesus, who is shaping us to be in his image, Dr. Schroeder’s books and teachings seek to lead people into lives of holiness, service, and leadership to bless their churches and communities. In 1990, MasterWorks was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

MasterWorks equips disciple makers on the frontlines to complete the Great Commission. Through writing, publishing, distributing, and teaching biblically based materials, and through mentoring and consulting with individuals and churches, MasterWorks contributes to fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus gave to his first disciples and the church.

We operate on two fronts: upholding the standard of God’s Word in the face of a western culture that is rapidly drifting from its historic Judeo-Christian foundation, as well as fueling the frontlines where millions have never heard the name of Jesus.

Toward this end, MasterWorks:

  • Provides virtual and in-person trainings and teachings of discipleship material.
  • Serves as a spiritual covering and organizational affiliation
  • Licensing and mentoring for pastors and other spiritual leaders 

*Materials are being translated in other languages.

Our Administrative Team

David Schroeder bio headshot

Dr. David E. Schroeder

Founder & President

Doug Anderson Bio Pic-cropped

Doug Anderson

Executive Director


Elizabeth Schroeder

Exec. Assistant

Our Board

Brian Schroeder, Chairman

Frankie Pavia, Vice Chairman

Christine Schroeder, Secretary

Marge Rand, Treasurer

David Schroeder, Exofficio

Brian Rawls

John Neger

Cynthia Williams

Dan Reeve

Affiliates & Ministry Partners

MasterWorks proudly partners with local churches and Christian organizations. Ministry affiliates are committed to using MasterWorks materials and being in mutual accountability and fellowship. Ministry partners co-labor with MasterWorks to complete the Great Commission.