Agreeing with author C.S. Lewis, Dr. Schroeder recognizes that much of the work of Satan, especially in western cultures, is done covertly. Consequently, we do not recognize how he persistently undermines the work of the Church, Christian families, and individuals. Describing “The War of the Ages,” “Heavenly Hostilities,” and “The Warfare,” The Lion, the Church, and the Warfare uses Scripture, stories, and the wisdom of others to expose Satan’s strategies and propose God’s ways of applying Christ’s victory over the enemy.
Biblical illiteracy and doctrinal ignorance are like two subtle viruses of twenty-first century America. Always only one generation away from being a pagan nation, as has been said, America needs the Christian Church to rise to the challenge of imparting true and vigorous Christian education to today’s generation.
Dr. Schroeder’s insights into Jesus’ strategy for being and making disciples to follow Him removes the normal stumbling blocks to true discipleship. Follow Me outlines a practical path to spiritual maturity.
La enseñanza del Doctor Schroeder acerca del llamado de Jesús a seguirle, remueve los obstáculos usuales para un verdadero discipulado. Sígueme traza un camino práctico hacia la madurez espiritual.
The Follow Me Group Guide is a practical tool for learning how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and how to help others become disciples. Following the methodology and themes Jesus used to train his Twelve, the Group Guide is a companion to Dr. David Schroeder’s popular book, Follow Me: the Disciple-making Strategy of Jesus (aka Discipleship by the Book).
La Guia de Grupo de Sígueme es una herramienta práctica para aprender cómo hacer discípulos de Jesucristo, y cómo ayudar a otros a convertirse en discípulos. Siguiendo la metodología que Jesús usó para entrenar a sus Doce, La Guía de Grupo es compañera del popular libro del Dr. David Schroeder, Sigueme: La Estrategia de Jesús para hacer discípulos.
The first disciples discovered that they could not serve Christ effectively without being filled with the Holy Spirit. Pentecost was the first time when believers received the Holy Spirit permanently and in his fullness. The MasterWorks book and teaching “Walking in Your Anointing” includes the discovery of one’s spiritual gift and how to be empowered for ministry.
Los primeros discípulos descubrieron que no podían servir a Cristo efectivamente sin ser llenos del Espíritu Santo. Pentecostés fue la primera vez cuando los creyentes recibieron el Espíritu Santo permanentemente en su plenitud. El libro y enseñanza de MasterWorks “Camine en su Unción”, incluye el descubrimiento del don espiritual del creyente y como ser empoderado para el ministerio.
Biblical illiteracy and doctrinal ignorance are like two subtle viruses of twenty-first century America. Always only one generation away from being a pagan nation, as has been said, America needs the Christian Church to rise to the challenge of imparting true and vigorous Christian education to today’s generation. Frontiers of Faith helps churches do that.
El analfabetismo bíblico y la ignorancia doctrinal son como dos virus sutiles de la América del siglo veintiuno. Siempre a una generación de ser una nación pagana, como se ha dicho, Estados Unidos necesita que la iglesia cristiana esté a la altura del desafío de impartir una educación cristiana verdadera, y vigorosa a la generación actual.
Dr. Peter Amerman