11 Jan In This Generation?
We exist to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave us. A popular quote by many states, “His last command is our first concern.” Jesus spoke these words to His disciples just before He ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven. The Church has been active (some generations more than others) in working towards completing her God-given assignment.
There will come a day when the mission is completed; there is an actual finish line, a goal to be achieved. That is to see a portion of every nation, tribe, language and ethnicity give their allegiance to Christ and join in the heavenly throne room chorus, “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10).
Well, where are we? How close are we to this age-ending reality? Could we be the generation that runs the final lap of human history?
While there is no definite answer, there are many reasons why I strongly think we could be.
I read the most optimistic report from one year ago (January 2024) that suggested there are known believers in 75% of all ethnic people groups on the planet (Source: The Great Progress of the Gospel)!
Usually reports of this nature fail to capture all of the data due to the difficult nature of tracking movement. This suggests that we could be even closer to the finish line than reported.
Other points to consider:
*There are more believers on planet Earth than ever before (over 2 billion)
*The globe is more connected than ever before through technology
*There are fewer unreached people groups than ever before
All this to say, the odds are in are favor more than any prior generation of being the final generation to complete the Great Commission. This should humble, excite, and focus us!
Jesus promised us in Matthew 24:14, the heart cry of MasterWorks:
“This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations [ethnicities, tribes, people groups], and then the end will come.”
Let us be vigilant to run what could be the final lap and proclaim the Name and worth of Jesus until He returns!
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
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